I put this on my RAM 1500 tailgate every time I go out biking. I have a Specialized mountain bike and the 5-bike pad. I can fit mine and up to about 3-4 more bikes without any problem (don't look at the advertisement pictures, your front wheels turn and fold flush with the tailgate). The front wheels make it difficult to put 5 bikes side by side.The velcro is good, but not for security--more for ensuring that the pad and bikes don't move around too much. The nylon web straps that secure the pad to the tailgate are much longer than needed, and should be cut to length. However, depending on how often you remove it, you may want to keep them uncut (like I do) as it makes for easier installation under the tailgate. Also, the bumpers on either side of the pad don't really serve much of a purpose that I've noted--the bikes don't really rest on or are arrested by them.Overall, if you have a mountain bike or a road bike (don't recommend), and a full-sized truck, this tailgate pad is a good investment for your bikes and for your truck. Recommend!